Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kyiv s Steve-om, Part Three

This one's all buildings. Sorry mom, no photos of me!

- lest we forget where (chronologically) we spent a good chunk of last century.

- oops, how'd this from the Monastery get in this batch?

- at left, facing Steve's apartment.

- at right, aren't the "ugly Stalin buildings" more cute and interesting in Kyiv?

- St. Someone next to St. Other

- as Steve rightly points out, probably the reddest building in town.

- Kofe Khaus, even in Kyiv, a blight on the landscape (writes Charles while sitting in the air-conditioned, fast internet equipped confines of his local Kofe Khaus).

- not a bad Opera Theater. Not bad at all.

- Oh Kyiv, you little corner of Krakow/Budapest, you!

- seriously, where are we? Central Europe?!

- St. Sophia's Cathedral, although domes have changed shape and visage many times, the interior really remind one of Hagia Sophia, its sister/mother.

- the bell tower at St. Sophia's.

- just another of Charles' favorite Kyivan structures. Many more like it, lending hilly, tree-lined, balconied Kyiv its atmosphere.

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