Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kyiv s Steve-om, Part Four

Well folks, this is the last installment of photos from Kyiv, this one featuring - you guessed it! - people. Above, my host, Steve, in his natural summertime habitat, on the banks of the Dnepr, downing a cold one. It's not Lake Calhoun, but it'll do.

Kyivans relaxing near the Dnepr, enjoying a typical Kyivan activity: a slack-line competition (?!).
- What?! They're Kyivans too, and deserve to be photographed. Plus, it documents the boat rental process.
- '90s Bulls shorts; Penny Hardaway all-star game warm-up jersey; fanny pack; Formula 1 hat. Most fashionable man in town.
- as mentioned, the slack-lining competition. Further proof that Kyiv is basically Berkeley.
- glam shots at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Midwesterners on vacation. (avert your eyes, young folk.)
- lots of people take wedding photos on Andreevsky Spusk.
- I did not.
- A man and his city. And his underground mall.
- competition heats up.
- Kyivans often break out in spontaneous song. In national costume.

And yet again, spontaneous song. Question: street performers or beggars? Or both?

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